Moore Street today
Order of business today in the Dáil I raised with the Taoiseach the issue of
the National Monument at Moore Street and called on the government to
directly intervene to save the Moore Street National Monument by removing it
from the ownership of Chartered Land.
In his reply the Taoiseach
said that Minister Deenihan will be bringing a memo to the government shortly
dealing with this issue.
I reminded the Taoiseach
that in their Programme for Government Fine Gael and Labour committed to
develop a cultural plan for future commemorative events such as the Centenary
of the Easter Rising in 2016.
This morning (Wednesday)
government and opposition leaders, and relatives of the 1916 leaders, attended
a commemorative event in Arbour Hill cemetery to remember the men and women who
proclaimed a Republic in 1916.
The last headquarters of
that republic, the National Monument in Moore Street stands in a perilous state
of decay and in urgent need of remedial work.
Under the Monument
Preservation Order No. 1 2007 the Minister is obliged to intervene when a
national monument is in danger of falling into decay through neglect.
I specifically asked the
Taoiseach to have Heritage Minister Deenihan intervene to remove the National
Monument from the ownership of Chartered Land and to act to preserve the Moore
Street battlefield site in its entirety.
Note to Reader:
The developer Chartered
Land owns 14-17 Moore Street as well as most of what is the battlefield site -
that side of Moore Street, the lanes and buildings behind it and part of Upper
O’Connell Street. Their plan is to build a giant shopping centre, demolishing
most of Moore Street on either side of Numbers 14 to 17, which would be
dominated and overlooked by high buildings.
Recently Dublin City
Council’s Moore Street Advisory Committee was given access to the National
Monument at 14 to 17 Moore Street, which was the last headquarters of the
Provisional Government of the Irish Republic at Easter 1916. Sinn Féin
Councillor Mícheál Mac Donncha described the buildings as in a poor state of