241022 Fra McCann with the family of Fr. Des below a mural of Fr. Des and Frank Cahill Conway Mill – 40 th birthday Conway Mill has been at the heart of west Belfast for over almost 200 years. First as a hard place of work for generations of local people, mainly women, and then as a community hub providing education and employment opportunities. Last week the Mill celebrated its 40 th birthday promoting, supporting and facilitating small indigenous economic enterprises, and providing adult education facilities Conway Mill was built in 1842, in the decade of An Gorta Mór when thousands fled hunger across Ulster and the West, and came to Belfast seeking work and shelter. Conway Street Mill was one of many flax mills across Belfast. Living and working conditions were dreadful. Hours were long and child labour was prevalent. Workers had no rights. They were hired and fired at the whim of employers. Following partition many of these hardships as well as the use of sectarianism and segreg