Cage Eleven. This coming weekend O’Brien Press are republishing my book – Cage 11 - about my experience of life in Long Kesh between August 1975 and February 1977. Cage 11 was first published in 1990. By that time the Cages of Long Kesh were empty of political prisoners. In their place the British had built the H-Blocks and embarked on a ruthless prison policy that resulted in the 1981 hunger strike. The stories contained in Cage 11 reflect the trials and tribulations, as well as the escapades that were then a part of our lives, of our families lives and of our community. Get a couple of ex-POWs together and they will joke and backstab, laugh and reflect on the meaning of life while talking politics. And so it was within the barbed wire Cages of Long Kesh. The bulk of Cage 11 is drawn from articles which were smuggled out of the cages and published, under the pen-name “Brownie". I was one of a small number of Long Kesh POWs who contributed to the weekly column in wh...