Last week the British Prime
Minister, Theresa May, made the bizarre claim that the other 27 member states
are ‘lining up to oppose’ Britain over Brexit. It was as if the other EU
members are somehow being unfair in agreeing a united position before they
enter into the Brexit negotiations with Britain. What did Mrs May expect they
would do? Accept her terms quietly, stoically, and meekly acquiesce to British
course not. This is May very cynically playing to the conservative and
jingoistic tendencies within the British electorate. The propaganda spin is
simple. It’s Britain – alone - against the rest. The recent talk, in some right-wing
media, of war with Spain if the status of Gibraltar changes; the constant
harking back to Britain’s Imperial past – as if that is something to be proud
of, are just some of the xenophobic elements coming to play in the current
debate around Brexit.
It is part of a much
wider propaganda battle between Britain and the EU. Evidence of this emerged at
the weekend when the Sunday Express reported that May “chastised” the EU Commission President Jean Claude Juncker over
dinner last Wednesday in Downing Street. The Express – which enthusiastically
supports Brexit - claimed that; “Details
of the awkward meeting are beginning to emerge after Mr. Juncker apparently insulted
the hospitality he was offered – which was paid for by UK taxpayers.”
But a
different account is reported in the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine
Sonntagszeitung (FAZ). According to the Economist magazine FAZ states
that EU officials were ‘astonished’
by Theresa May’s lack of understanding of the complexity of the negotiations. "The more I hear, the more skeptical I
become" said Juncker.” May and her Brexit Minister David Davies then
claimed that Britain does not owe the EU any money and that the “EU could not force the UK to pay the bill.
OK, said Juncker, then no trade deal.”
It is clear that the
economic and political stakes for Britain and for the EU are immense. That is
why the position of the Irish government is so crucial. It will be at the
negotiating table where, with the right strategies, it can promote and defend
the interests of the people of this island. But with the wrong strategies it
could be disastrous.
Several weeks ago the
EU set out its draft guidelines for the Brexit negotiations. I expressed my
concern at that time that the Irish government had failed to ensure that the
interests of the people of this island, the future of the Good Friday Agreement,
and the option of Irish unity, were sufficiently strongly reflected in those
On Saturday, according
to one EU source it took only four minutes for the 27 leaders of the EU to conclude
the final negotiating guidelines, with minimal alteration. The focus was on the
broad terms for Brexit and on those issues that must be resolved before a trade
deal between Britain and the EU will be agreed. Among these is agreement on the
divorce Bill – an estimated £50 billion - that Britain will have to pay, and
the status and protections for EU citizens living in Britain post Brexit.
While it is not part of the guidelines the minutes
of the summit state that in the event of Irish unity, “in accordance with International Law, the entire territory of such a
united Ireland would this be part of the European Union.” This is a welcome
development. But it is not the ‘coup’ that some have claimed. It reflects the
position of the Good Friday Agreement. It is a proposition that Sinn Féin has consistently
argued for on the basis of the approach adopted toward the reunification of
Germany and a similar agreement in respect of Cyprus.
However, the Irish government failed to get this
clause included as part of the EU negotiating guidelines. In the four weeks since
the publication of the draft guidelines Mr. Kenny succeeded in securing one
minor amendment to Article 11 of the guidelines dealing with Ireland. It
involved the addition of three words – ‘in
all its parts’ - a reference to the Good Friday Agreement.
The government failed to secure a commitment that
no agreement on the border or the status of the North could be achieved between
the EU and Britain, without a separate and binding agreement between the Irish
government and Britain. This would have provided the Irish government with a
veto similar to that secured by Spain in respect of Gibraltar.
Instead what we have is a commitment to “flexible
and imaginative solutions” with
the “aim of avoiding a hard border”. This
is an aspirational, wishy-washy piece of rhetoric. It is meaningless in the
world of a substantive and difficult negotiation. It is not good enough.
There is solid support for the island of Ireland
among our partners in Europe and for the peace process and the unique and
special circumstances faced by Ireland as a result of Brexit. The Taoiseach
failed to harness this support. He failed to stand up for Ireland’s national
interests and put these before any other consideration. Mr. Kenny also broke a
commitment he gave two month ago to publish a consolidated paper on the Irish
government’s negotiating priorities in advance of last weekend’s Summit.
Sinn Féin will be challenging the Taoiseach on all
of this and we will be challenging him to set out the criteria and context
against which the Irish government will judge it is time to support the calling
of a referendum on Irish unity.
is the single greatest challenge to the people of this island in many years. The
formal negotiations between the EU and Britain will begin next month. They are
expected to last two years but will almost certainly take longer. All of the
indications from Saturday’s EU Summit, and the differing media spins, are that
the negotiations will be difficult and that the outcome will be a hard Brexit.
The French president, François Hollande, told the media: “There will inevitably be a price and a cost for Britain, it’s the
choice they made… it is clear that Europe knows how to defend its interests, and
that Britain will have a less good position outside the EU than in the EU.”
The implications for jobs and investment for the
island of Ireland, the border region and the North are enormous. Sinn Féin’s objective
of achieving designated special status for the North within the EU offers the
best hope for protecting the rights and jobs of citizens. It also points the
way to reunification.
Key to this is persuading the Irish government to
support designated status inside the EU. The majority of TDs in the Dáil, like
the majority of MLAs in the Assembly, already do. Our energy and our focus must
be on persuading the Taoiseach or his replacement, to make this a priority.
Their goal must be to ensure that all of Ireland can remain a member of the
Single Market and the Common Travel area, that EU funding streams can continue
to be accessed, that the rights of Irish citizens in the north are protected
and that trading arrangements, north and south and between Ireland and Britain
are secure.
But Brexit is also about the future of two Unions.
The European Union on the one hand, and the British union on the other.
The June 8th election will be fought
primarily on the single issue of Brexit. The DUP and UUP are for Brexit. Sinn
Féin and others are against it. We are for a different union. A union of the
people of the island of Ireland.
A strong vote for Sinn Féin – a strong vote against
Brexit and for Irish unity– are essential on June 8th.