Censorship is about closing down dialogue. It’s about influencing and shaping public opinion. It is about persuading citizens to sustain the status quo. Sometimes censorship can be very public and written into law and enforced. Other times it can be more subtle but just as insidious. Ireland north and south has experienced both. Censorship is about denying citizens their right to information and persuading them to embrace or acquiesce silently to injustice. Censorship is about control. In his 1996 song ‘Yellow Triangle’, dedicated to the victims of the holocaust, Christy Moore’s lyrics warn of the dangers of censorship and of apathy. It is based on a poem by Pastor Martin Niemoller who spent 8 years in Nazi concentration camps. “When first they came for the criminals I did not speak Then they began to take the jews When they fetched the people who were members of trades unions I did not speak When they took the bible students Rounded up the homosexuals Then they ga...