30th Deireadh Fómhair 2009. Small u-unionists? Your man says that I shouldn’t use the term small u-unionists. ‘How would you like to be called a small r-republican?’ He asks. I have been called worse than that I think quietly to myself. I say nothing to him. He has been in a funny mood all day. Male menopause? The thing is I don’t mean to be offensive when I say small u-unionists. Or when I try to analyse the cause of your man’s funny mood. I’m sure that there are many small u-unionists who understand what I mean because they know that their unionism is more an accident of birth than an ideological position. These are the unionists who voted for the Good Friday Agreement and who then gave up the ghost on David Trimble and stayed at home during election time. One presumes that these small u-unionists wouldn’t have a lot of time for the DUP. They are not for a united Ireland, although they support Ireland in the rugby. Some may go hill walking in Donegal or west Mayo. A weekend in Dubli...