Slán Irish Voice Two weeks ago Niall O’Dowd, founder of the Irish American newspaper The Irish Voice announced that it was to close after 36 years. The New York based Irish Voice and the Irish Echo were the principle sources of news for decades of Irish Americans and new Irish immigrants moving to the USA. Now the Irish Voice is gone. But a far sighted Niall O’Dowd realised some years ago the direction of travel for newspapers competing against the huge growth in online media services and founded the online Irish Central. Today gets over two million visitors monthly. I first met Niall in Belfast in 1983. He was interviewing me for an Irish newspaper in San Francisco which he then edited. I had been elected as the MP for west Belfast and Niall was interested in the political developments taking place in the aftermath of the 1981 hunger strike. Sinn Féin had won five seats to the Assembly in 1982 and received over 100,000 votes in the June 1983 Westminster gene...