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Showing posts from January, 2018

Last Tango in The Balmoral

The piped music in the Balmoral Hotel was playing a jazzy tune. I asked M ichelle O’Neill for a dance before she, Mary Lou, Elisha McCallion and I went into the packed hall for the AGM of the Cúige Uladh (Sinn Féin’s Northern Executive). Michelle jumped up, swung into my arms and we were off. Ted and Gerry Kelly have always been jealous of my moves on the dance floor. With good reason. Michelle and I floated around the hotel foyer like gossamer shadows caressed by the wind. Mary Lou and Elisha looked on enviously. Some might say it was also my last dance as Uachtarán Shinn Féin but never say never. It’s still two weeks to the special Ard Fheis on  February 10th . The opportunity for another dance is always possible. If Michelle is very good we might give it another go. Or maybe Arlene will oblige. A last tango. The Balmoral was packed. There was an expectant atmosphere in the hall. Everyone present knew that the nominations for the position of President of the Party had closed at  5

Thank you Shane MacGowan

I have been a fan of Shane MacGowan for decades. His music is tremendous and his lyrics are poetic and insightful and wondrous. The Pogues were one of the best bands ever. Their musicality and the quality of their art is beautiful. And enduring. On Monday evening Shane’s friends, family and fans celebrated his 60th birthday in the National Concert Hall in Dublin. It was an amazing evening. The NCH is a very unique venue with a layout and architecture more associated with a different, kind of music. The audience was a mix of young and older. Some reliving their punk days of the 70s and 80s. And we were joined by President Michael D Higgins. There was an expectant atmosphere. People weren’t sure what to expect. This after all was about Shane MacGowan. Most people thought, and several performers said they never expected that he would see 30 never mind 60. The line-up of musicians who took to the stage was impressive. I wanted to be there to honour Shane but I also knew we were in

Looking for a job?

If you are a member of Sinn Féin, and are interested in an unwaged job, you now have until Friday January 19 th to submit your nomination papers for the position of Uachtarán Shinn Féin. As most readers will know two months ago at the November Ard Fheis I told the party membership that it was my intention to step down as Uachtaráin Shinn Féin in the New Year. I asked the incoming Ard Chomhairle to organise a special Ard Fheis to elect a new leader. There was intense media speculation about when this would happen. The media especially love to speculate – frequently dressing up their guessing with words like ‘ it is believed’ or ‘it is understood’ and ‘sources close to the leadership’ or ‘well-placed sources. ’ Not infrequently, especially by those renowned for their anti-Sinn Féin bias, it is all just invented. Some suggested that my departure could take up to a ye

Athbhliain faoi mhaise daoibh

Next Tuesday January 9 th  will mark one year from the day Martin McGuinness resigned from the office of First and Deputy First Minister. It was not a decision Martin took lightly. He understood the political ramifications of his resignation. But the Renewable Heat Incentive scandal, the increasing arrogance of our DUP partners in the Executive, and the refusal by them, and by the Irish and British governments, to honour agreements previously made meant that a stand had to be taken. In the months since there have been two elections which validated Martin’s decision and there have been at least four attempts to restore the political institutions. Some progress has been achieved but not enough to guarantee equality, fairness and respect, and to end the impasse around an Irish Language Act, marriage equality, legacy matters and other longstanding issues like a Bill of Rights.  Regrettably, as we begin 2018 there is still no real evidence of a willingness by the leadership of the DUP to