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Defend Neutrality | Support the Occupied Territories Bill | Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig

  Defend Neutrality If truth be told the long standing claim of neutrality by the southern Irish state is not all its made out to be. It is a fact that successive Irish governments have turned a blind eye to American war planes using Shannon as a stopping off point for attacks in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as carrying munitions to Israel for its genocidal war against the people of Palestine.  US planes carrying political prisoners to interrogation and detention sites, where they were tortured, stopped at Shannon to refuel. A breach of international law. The government did nothing. In recent months a significant and increasing number of articles have been published in the mainstream Dublin based media claiming that neutrality was fine in the past but is not fit for purpose in the world today. It is ‘morally degenerate’ wrote one writer. Getting rid of neutrality would make the Irish state appear more ‘grown-up’ said another. The language has become increasingly belligere...
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Na Mná Abú | Let's Welcome the World | Opening the Gates of Hell

Na Mná Abú. I have been a life-long supporter of Antrim’s footballers and hurlers. And the Camógs as well. Colette played county back in the day. Back in another day I had a dream that I too might make the grade.  But wee boy dreams faded into reality and alas it was not to be.  I sometimes reflect on how different my Gaelic sporting life might have been in a different political dispensation.  If only?   So, I have followed our county’s fortunes and misfortunes from the side-lines for over seventy years now. That’s a long time.  I am one among many. Not all of us can be county stars. But we kept the faith on tough days out as well as on heady days in Casement and other county grounds and occasionally in Croke.  In recent years the totally unacceptable delays on building the New Casement has infuriated us all. I am thinking especially of a generation of young Gaels who have been robbed of the opportunity to play in our county ground. Some of the s...

Seachtain na Gaeilge | Death of Dafyyd Elis-Thomas

  Seachtain na Gaeilge Seachtain na Gaeilge used to run for one week but because it was so popular it was extended. It now runs annually from 1 March to 17 March – St. Patrick’s Day.  Is í Seachtain na Gaeilge an ceiliúradh is mó den Ghaeilge agus Cultúr na hÉireann ar domhan. Bhí an oiread sin ráchairt uirthi gur síneodh amach chuig coicís í. Bíonn sí ar siúl ó 1 Márta go dtí 17 Márta - Lá Fhéile Pádraig, achan bhliain. Seachtain na Gaeilge was founded in 1902 by Conradh na Gaeilge as part the Gaelic  revival of that time. Initially Seachtain na Gaeilge was limited to the island of Ireland but today it is now a global phenomenon and the largest celebration of our language and culture here and overseas. Seachtain is an opportunity to celebrate our native language and culture and to enjoy it all.  I was lucky to attend the Belfast launch in An Cultúrlann on the Falls Road last week. I certainly enjoyed it. It was a great even...

Brendan McFarlane | Taking A Stand. | Fáilte abhaile Leonard

  Brendan McFarlane On Tuesday we buried our friend and comrade Brendan McFarlane. Bik texted me just over 2 weeks or so ago to say he was back in hospital. He had been battling cancer for some time. A few days later the medics stopped his treatment. There was nothing else they could do for him. Suddenly and unexpectedly he was gone. He died peacefully surrounded by his loving family. My solidarity and sympathy to Lene, a mighty woman, and to their children Emma, Tomás and Tina, his brother Gerard and the wider family circle. His loss for them is immeasurable. For his countless friends and comrades his death is a deep blow. Bik spent almost all of his adult life as a Republican activist - an Óglach, a political prisoner, a leader, a man of courage, fiercely proud of and loyal to his community, a resolute advocate for Irish Unity, a Gaeilgeoir,  a friend and a comrade.  A lot has been written about Brendan and his IRA activities and he surely wa...

The Re-interment of Frank Stagg | Pet Hates

  The Re-interment of Frank Stagg.  Last week we remembered Frank Stagg who died on hunger strike in an English prison in February 1976.  Frank began his fourth and final hunger strike in December 1975. He died 62 days later. He last request was  "to be buried next to my republican colleagues and my comrade, Michael Gaughan"  who died on hunger strike two years earlier. Michael had been buried in Ballina with republican honours. Faced with the prospect of another high-profile funeral of a republican hunger striker the plane carrying Frank Stagg’s coffin was diverted by the Irish Government from Dublin, where the Stagg family and friends were waiting, to Shannon. Frank’s body was hijacked and taken by helicopter to Ballina, where it was buried. A 24-hour guard was put in place and concrete was poured over it to prevent the family from exhuming the coffin. Frank’s brother George later described how, when  he took his mother to visit the grav...

The World Stands at a Tipping Point | My Internment by Roseleen Walsh | Climate Crisis

  The World Stands at a Tipping Point In the months leading up to the invasion of Iraq by American and British forces and others in March 2003 Martin McGuinness and I warned Tony Blair and President Bush not to invade. We pointed out that it would be a breach of international law. At one particular meeting in Mr. Blair’s office in Downing Street Martin and I urged the British PM to learn the lessons of British involvement in Ireland and in other conflicts. We told him and his officials they were living in cloud cuckoo land;  “if you go into Iraq it will be another Vietnam and it will be a huge mistake.” One British official told us that it would all be over in a matter of months. Martin told him  “... given the previous history of successive British military expeditions to Ireland, that certainly would not be my view of how the situation in Iraq is going to move in the next short while."   We raised our concerns regularly with Tony Blair in the run into the Ang...

Partitionism Rules. | International support grows for Palestinian Struggle | OFF LINE.

  Partitionism Rules.  Simon Harris has said that Irish unity is not a priority for him.  That is self-evident. But for him to say so is at odds with the stated position of most senior Irish politicians including An Taoiseach Micheál Martin. Their position is one of verbalised adherence to the constitutional objective of unity. In other words, they are verbalised republicans. Rhetorical United Irelanders. Mr Harris doesn't even pay lip service to this. Some may think this clarity from him is good for the unity debate. And they have a point. Simon Harris words reflect the reality of the position of successive governments. Thus far no Irish government has a strategy or a plan for unity. So unity is not only not a priority for Simon Harris. It is clearly not a government priority either.     The truth is he reflects a deep-rooted view within the southern establishment which sees partition as acceptable. For 100 years Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael have run ...